Back to School!
Today marks a new month, and for many counties in the state, including Cobb and Cherokee, a new season - the school season! The first day of school is officially here, and for many students, it may be their first day in an entirely new school. As many in the real estate industry know, the summer is the best time to move for families, and it has certainly been a busy season. If you have moved with your family, then it's likely your children may be starting a new school. While that can be an exciting transition, it can also be a challenge for some students to leave their old school behind and start with a blank slate at a new school. If you are preparing your children for that transition, we have a few tips to make the school year go off without a hitch and have your kids jumping off the bus with a big smile! Encourage Participation A great way to quickly get accustomed with a new school is to participate in extra curricular acti...