Work Life Balance

The real estate market doesn't take a holiday. Or a weekend. Between showing homes, sending out listings, and answering and responding to the endless calls and emails, it probably feels like you work non-stop. And for many real estate agents, that is true. A job that requires you to be on-call practically 24/7 makes it seem nearly impossible to obtain a work life balance. However, with a little intentionality and effort, it can be done. Don't believe us? Try a few of these tips and see if you find a few more minutes for yourself! Prioritize It may seem obvious to prioritize your to-do list, but what about prioritizing the different aspects of your life? According to Sara Caputo , author of the "The Productivity Puzzle", it's important to identify a "core four" of priorities for your life. Perhaps this is your work, family, and health; or perhaps it's your family, spiritual wellbeing, and recreational time. Understand that these four won't...