After the Autographs - What happens post-closing

We know this busy season of real estate can be hectic, but it's never bad idea to take a moment to look back at some basics. Lots of closings will be happening during these summer months, but what happens after the papers are signed and the keys have been exchanged? The work doesn't stop there, so here's a synopsis of what happens post-closing, including what we handle after you've signed, and what you should do too! Our job Disbursement - Many checks are often disbursed at the closing table, but any wires and checks not given out at closing will be distributed afterward. The closer will get the file back and review it to ensure all documents have been properly executed in compliance with the bank's requirements, and checks will be mailed out to the appropriate location and wires will be sent out by the closing attorney. Deeds and Recording - The warranty deed is signed at closing and shows that a clear title has passed from the seller to the bu...