
Showing posts from 2022

Head Over Heels for Homestead Exemptions

  It's that time of year when the forms start piling up and you keep trying to put off the inevitable - taxes. We know it's not always the most exciting, but it's time to gather your documents and get it done.  But if you bought a home in 2021, don't forget about the homestead exemption!  Not sure or can't remember how to file for the exemption? We've got you covered with these quick facts about the homestead tax exemption!  What is it?  A homestead exemption is a one-time, tax exemption on your property taxes that can be filed the January after you have purchased a new home. It lasts until the ownership of your home changes. How much is exempt? The exemption is a reduction of the amount of taxes charged, and so will vary for each county and property.  What do I need?  To file for a homestead exemption, you must be a legal resident of the county and must own and occupy the home as of January 1 in the year you are seeking the exemption. There is no...

New Year, New Market - 2022 Real Estate Market Predictions

  It's here! 2022! We've made it to another year in this crazy and confusing time.  If we've learned anything in these last few years and months, it's that things can change quickly. Something will shift and then suddenly everything we know is turned on its head. The real estate market has certainly seen these changes as buyers and sellers have navigated the challenges of the pandemic and its effects, and we feel pretty confident that 2022 will be no different. We rounded up some of the top experts' market predictions as we head into this new year. Check out the highlights to see what changes we may expect:  Affordability  It's a word you're probably going to hear a lot in 2022. According to experts, affordability will be a large determining factor that will affect the new year's market.  According to's 2022 Housing Forecast , we're in for a "whirlwind" year. Existing home sales are predicted to increase 6.6%, and it seems t...