Halloween Help

'Twas the night before Halloween, and all through the house Every creature was stirring... As they tried to put together a last minute costume! Did you decide last minute to go to that Halloween party? Or did you just find out your office is having a costume contest? Well not to worry- we've got you covered! Here are just a few fun and easy last minute Halloween costumes! Raining Men Break out the galoshes and a rain slicker for this one! A cute and creative take on the classic 80's song by The Weather Girls - this costume is sure to get some laughs and a high five for creativity. Plus it's pretty easy! Just take an umbrella, print out pictures of some hunky guys, and string them up from the frame of your umbrella! Jon Snow Winter is coming. TV themed costumes are always a hit, and there's no bigger hit than Game of Thrones costume. To be the show's favorite star is easy - just grab a black bath mat or rug to drape around...