Meet the P&A Team - Lee Pruitt

This week on Meet the P&A Team we are excited to introduce our newest member and attorney, Lee Pruitt!

Lee has extensive experience in the real estate closing business and we are so happy to have him on our team. He has been working as a closing attorney for many years and has experience clearing complex title issues. We feel that he will be a great asset to Perrie & Associates, and he has already been doing a great job with us these past few weeks!

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Name: Lee Pruitt
Role: Closing Attorney

Fun Facts: 
  • Favorite sports team is Liverpool FC 
  • Favorite food is Indian, or anything in Buckhead Life Restaurant Group 

Lee Pruitt is a Georgian through and through. Born in Rome, GA, he received his Bachelor of Science from Shorter College in 2003, and in 2011, he received his Juris Doctor from Georgia State. 

After being sworn in to the Georgia Bar, he began practicing at a general practice law firm, handling all types of cases including federal white collar and shoplifting on the defensive side, to the purchase of a majority share of a corporation on the transaction side.
In 2013, he began working as a closing attorney and has extensive knowledge of resolving complex title issues and building relationships in the real estate business.

Did you always know you wanted to be an attorney? 

Not really; I actually graduated college just a few credits shy of being a high school history and English teacher.

Why did you decide to go to law school? 

After working at a real estate closing firm as a runner and a post closer, I knew I wanted to work in real estate, and my dad always wanted an attorney in the family. When he offered to front my tuition, I decided to try to go to law school.

How did you get started in the real estate industry and why do you like working in this field? 

I started in real estate as a runner at one of the biggest real estate firms in my hometown. From there, I moved into a full time post-closing position. From the start, I really enjoyed all the different people you get to work with in this field. I also love the problem solving aspect. Whether it is a title problem or a contract dispute, I love helping find the right solution.

Do you have any hobbies? 

I love reading, watching movies, and listening to music, but these days playing with my two kids takes up most of my time and provides most of my fun. 

How do you like to spend your weekend? 

I love to spend time with my family and friends, and I enjoy UGA football in the fall. 

Where is your favorite place to vacation? 

Disney World. It may be a cliche, but I have been with just me and my wife and I have been with my whole family. If I had to choose just one place that I had to go back to again and again, it would be Disney World. 

What do you like so far about working here at Perrie & Associates? 

I love the people at P&A. Everyone is very good at what they do and it really feels like a team effort. Competence and camaraderie usually make for a winning combination. 

Lee will be centered out of our West Cobb office on Dallas Highway and will travel to our other offices for closings. We hope you are able to meet him at our closing table soon! 


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