Alternate Resolutions

The new year is approaching and it's time to look ahead and start planning for 2018. Undoubtedly, after you get asked what your plans are for New Year's Eve, you'll probably get that dreaded follow up question: so what's your New Year's Resolution?

Of course, there's a number of typical responses for such a question - "lose weight. Get fit. Be better with finances." But how easy are those to keep? It seems that many people let go of their resolutions after a month or two. None of those classic goals are wrong by any means, but if you're looking for a more unique and maybe more "exciting" resolution for 2018, we've got a few ideas for you.


In these days of social media and constant connection, it's easy to get wrapped up in what everyone else is doing and lose a sense of what's happening in your own world. If you find yourself Instagramming every meal or constantly checking up on other friends to see if they are doing more exciting things than you, you may want to consider disconnecting as your 2018 resolution.
Unplugging from social media doesn't mean you have to quit cold turkey. If you feel that's what you need, then go ahead and delete all those accounts, but if you find you just need a bit of a break, set some limits. Give yourself an hour or two a day to check up on social media, or limit yourself to a specific time each day, maybe during your lunch break, to scroll through your feed. If you're afraid you'll be tempted to log in when you shouldn't, start reading a best seller or take a walk outside to clear your mind and get some fresh air. Whatever you do, just remember that you don't have to take pictures to show that it actually happened. Just sit back and enjoy your new time away from your screen.

Be Mindful

Do you sometimes feel like you're experiencing too much at once? Thoughts are racing through your mind every second, and between your phone and laptop screen, driving through Atlanta traffic, and coming home to the laundry that should have been done yesterday you just can't seem to find a break in the chaos of life.
Mindfulness may be the answer for you.
Practicing meditation may sound a little off the wall and too much for you, but it doesn't mean you have to sit cross-legged on the floor humming "om." It can be as easy as taking a few minutes a day to shut off your brain, take some deep breaths, and just being still and relaxing. Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness helps reduce stress and helps you become more aware of your surroundings and yourself. It acts as a "volume knob" for your brain, and it's not as difficult as you may think. Check out the apps Headspace or Calm that have guided meditations and simple programs that can help you start being mindful.

Show Self-Love

If you're looking to relieve some stress but don't think that meditation is the way for you, jump on the trendy topic for 2018 and commit to showing yourself more love. Self-love and self-care are so important in the work-driven world of today. Taking time to slow down and check on your wants and needs can help with stress, sleep, and work, as you allow yourself time to relax and unwind.
Now, self-love doesn't mean just going on a shopping spree every week and buying a new wardrobe, but it can mean splurging on something small every month that you've really wanted and worked hard for or that you feel will benefit your overall well being.
You can also practice self-care by setting aside some time to yourself each week where you do whatever you feel is best for you. Whether that's sitting down to a good book or your favorite television show, taking a bubble bath, or just listening to a favorite CD, do what you need and don't forget to listen to your body when it says you need a break.

Get a new Perspective

In today's world of left and right, up and down, backwards and forwards, there's a lot of opinions and ideas circulating out there. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it's easier for us all to come together and understand one another if we take the time to listen.
If you're looking to be more well-rounded and learn from others this year, consider getting new perspectives for your New Year's Resolution.
This can take all shapes and forms, from talking to a friend or neighbor who shares a different political view, to reading a book whose author has a different opinion or belief than yours. Take time to watch a documentary on a new subject and see what you can learn. Immerse yourself in literature, conversations, and media that don't always align with your ideas and beliefs. It doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything you read or hear, and you don't have to have an argument about it either, but just take the time to listen to others and see what you can learn from them.

Pay it Forward 

With everything going on in the world today, it's important not to forget about others, and a great New Year's Resolution would be to pay it forward and give back.
Giving back is typically seen as something you do around the holidays, but you shouldn't limit generosity to two times a year.
For 2018, try to commit to paying it forward at least once a month. It doesn't have to be buying a new toy or food all at one time; you can easily accumulate donations during your every-day routine by buying an extra can or box of food at the grocery store and bringing them to a local food pantry every week or two. When the season changes and you're going through your closet, take out gently-worn items that you aren't using or can't wear and donate them to a local shelter. You can also volunteer your time throughout the year by helping at schools, summer camps, shelters, and community events, and just simply helping others with small tasks can go a long way and will bring a smile to your face knowing that you've done something for others.

Finally, don't forget to share your resolution with others. It may be scary or may even seem corny to tell others your resolution, but sharing your goal with even just one friend can help you stay accountable. A friend or family member can remind you of your intentions later on throughout the year when you may start slipping, and keeping a journal, log, or even just jotting down your resolution on a scrap piece of paper can make it feel more concrete and more likely to happen.

Whatever your goals are for 2018, we hope you have a safe and Happy New Year!


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