Let's Make Change - HB 410

Important changes could be coming to the real estate industry, but not without your help. 

The Georgia General Assembly is currently reviewing House Bill 410, a bill aimed at lowering fees that can be charged for an HOA status letter when a property is being sold. 

The bill will prohibit fees from being "in excess of one-twelfth of the current annual dues" for the property, and an additional, expedited fee to deliver the letter within three business days may not exceed $15 according to the proposed bill.

As many agents, realtors, and industry professionals know, Homeowner's Association letters can run upwards of $150, with expedited fees adding another $50 - $100 to the total cost. This proposed bill could save clients quite literally hundreds of dollars, but it may not go anywhere if local officials aren't made aware of it's importance and need for their constituents.

We are encouraging professionals in the industry to reach out to their local officials and state their support of this bill. Not sure what to say? Don't worry! We've got a sample letter you can send below:

Dear (Congressman/woman), 
I am writing you to express my support in HB 410 and hope that will show your support for this bill in this legislation cycle. 

The bill, which place reasonable limitations on fees a management company may charge for a Homeowner's Association status letter when a property is being sold by a homeowner, is vital to protecting consumers in this industry. 

As a professional in the real estate industry, I have seen many management companies exploit their power time and time again by charging exorbitant fees for a simple clearance letter. Despite numerous complaints, these companies continue with their unjust and unfair pricing, causing homeowners headaches and hundreds of dollars. 

This financial misconduct must be controlled, and HB 410 is a well planned solution to this problem. 

The bill is supported by the State Bar of Georgia as well as the Georgia Association of Realtors, and I hope you will also express your support for HB 410. 

Please announce and share your support for this bill that stands up for the consumers in the real estate industry.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

A simple letter stating your support can go a long way to show your representative it's importance, and the more people who send letters and reach out, the farther this bill will go. 

Not sure who your local elected official is? Just type in your zip code here to find your representative and their contact information. 

You can also track the bill's progress and read HB 410 in its entirety on the Georgia General Assembly website here.

Please take a quick moment to contact your local official, share with others in your network, and help us bring change to the industry!


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