The Art of Networking

In the real estate industry, it's all about networking. No matter where you go, there is someone to meet and connect with. One connection can lead to another, which could lead to a sale or future partner, and it just continues to trickle down from there. The more you network, the more you have the chance to receive referrals that can grow your business, which builds your name to be top-of-mind.

However, networking can be a daunting task. Whether you're in a room full of people or just at a small gathering, the pressure of feeling like you have to make lasting connections and sell your business can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. Check out some of our easy tips to master the art of networking:

Be Yourself 

It sounds cliche and maybe a bit over stated, but one of the most important tips when making new connections is to be yourself. Don't feel like you have to be the most flashy or most knowledgeable in the room. Be confident in who you are, what you do, and what you know. It's the easiest way to make a genuine connection that you can later build to help your business.


While it's important to talk to others while at a networking event, it's almost more important to listen. When you join in on a conversation, the experts at Forbes recommend taking a few minutes to simply listen to what the group is discussing. Don't immediately jump in to introduce yourself and talk up your business. When you do speak up, show you were listening by discussing your own opinions or bringing up another key aspect on the topic.

Bring a Friend 

If you're on a real estate team or have a good friend in the industry, see if they will come along. It's much easier to approach others when you aren't alone, and you can both talk each other up! It takes the pressure off having to talk about yourself, you'll feel more comfortable knowing at least one person at the event.

Keep it Casual 

According to the experts, the days of the hard sell are over. As Zillow notes, you wouldn't go to a party and begin frantically handing out business cards and asking if people are ready to sell their home. The same rules apply to networking.
Stick to simple conversation starters and ask about others' opinions on a new trend or what brought them to the event. Remember, it's likely that you all have the real estate industry in common, so you already have plenty to talk about right there! You don't have to complain about the state of the market, but engage others in ideas on business or even just personal experiences and anecdotes.

Social Media 

While not a networking tip for face-to-face interactions, social media can play a big role in your connectivity with potential clients and business partners. According to Entrpreneur, real estate professional can greatly benefit from using social platforms to share their knowledge with clients and promote properties and services. Similar to a conversation - be sure to be yourself and be authentic with your posts. Social media does not have to be a formal means of communication and you will best benefit by responding and interacting with clients and connections on various platforms.

Connect with Community 

In addition to connecting with other professionals, it's important to connect with those in the community you serve. Whether it's sponsoring a local sports team, participating in a neighborhood festival, or volunteering with area groups or organizations, you can meet people in your neighborhoods and build local connections that can help support and grow your business. Also, you will feel better knowing that you are doing good in your own community!


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