
Showing posts from 2019

Decade Determination

2020 not only brings a new year, but a new decade. There's of course no way to know exactly what the next decade will bring, but real estate experts have made their predictions for what the housing market could look like in this next year - Mortgage Median Mortgage rates are expected to stay at their low rate for most of 2020, according to Forbes and data from Freddie Mac. Current rates are at 3.75% and are expected to remain between 3.7% and 3.9%.'s 2020 Housing Report supports this, predicting that the year will end with rates at 3.88%. Ben Lane with HousingWire says this rate will make 2020 a popular year for refinancing. In 2019, reports showed that it was the best year for refis since 2016, and Freddie Mac experts are predicting $834 billion in refinance originations in 2020. The low rates will benefit home buyers as well, with Freddie Mac predicting $1.299 trillion in purchase originations to start the new decade. Sean Hundtofte, with chief econom

(New) Home for the Holidays

We all know the holiday season is busy. Between office parties, school functions, and shopping for friends and family, it seems like there's always something to do. If you're moving during this time of the year . . . well, you're probably debating if this really is the "most wonderful time of the year." But not to worry! In addition to having a new home for the holidays, there are a few things you can do to add some cheer and have a stress-free winter move! Give the Gift of Movers (Or at least some help)  Holidays are not only a busy time, but it's also a costly time of year. However, the experts at say: splurge on a moving company. While it will increase your moving expenses, it can save you the stress of making multiple trips - allowing you more time to focus on holidays festivities. Maybe cut back on gifts for others (or yourself), and give yourself the gift of time and extra help for a stress-free move. If movers just aren't in

Plenty to Be Thankful For

For many, Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and good food. However, Thanksgiving is also a time of reflection as we take time to recognize all that we have and all that we are thankful for. Though the holiday season can get busy quickly, the Perrie & Associates staff took time to pause and reflect on what we are thankful for - Stephanie Chandler I am thankful for the love and support of my family, and I'm thankful for the gift of another day. I'm also thankful that I am able to still fit into my clothes after the array of food and desserts that were brought into the office this year! :) Stacie Upchurch  I am thankful for my faith, for my family, for my husband, my health, for this great country that so many have fought for, for the beautiful home I live in, and most importantly - all of the love that fills it. I am also very grateful for being privileged enough to have spent that last year 8 plus years working at P&A and getting to spend every da

Haunting Home - Creating a Last-Minute Halloween House

The spookiest night of the year is upon us! Time to dress up in your boo best, watch some scary movies, and - oh no, you forgot - pass out candy! Is your home not ready for the little ghouls and goblins coming to knock on your door tomorrow night? Don't want to be the boring house on the block that turns off their light to ward off trick-or-treaters? Never fear! We've got a few quick DIY tips for you to make your house haunted for Hallow's Eve! Light the Night  Nothing sets the tone for being spooked like some eerie lighting. If you have spotlights in your home, run to the hardware store or craft store to pick up different colored bulbs. A green, orange, or purple light on your home can set the tone, and is a quick and easy way to say you're ready for the night. If you're not feeling bright colors, swap out your bulbs for black-lights for a frightening look at your front door. For safety for your trick-or-treaters, be sure to have enough light at your fr

Say Cheese - The Importance of Professional Photography

We've all been there. You're shopping on Amazon when something suddenly catches your eye. You click on the new item. Read the description, maybe check out a few reviews, and suddenly - it's in your cart and being shipped to your house. But what was it that caught your eye? The price? Probably unlikely. The catchy product name? Perhaps. Most likely? It was the image. And we bet that if there were several pictures of that item you clicked, you looked through each one before you made your purchase. Images sell. They draw us to a product. They help us put a face with the name of a person we may hire. They grab our attention to look at one advertisement above all the others crowding our screens. When it comes to real estate, this fact is no different. When listing a home, photos are simply a must. You may think the photos are something you can handle, but you may want to reconsider. iPhone cameras are constantly improving, but when it comes to selling a home, a qui

Owner's Title Insurance - An Easy Decision

Countless decisions go into purchasing a home: location, architectural style, neighborhood, moving date - the list goes on and on. One decision owners face when buying real estate is whether to purchase owner's title insurance. While many choices in the home-buying process require much consideration, a decision about owner's title insurance should be one of the easiest. After all, if you buy insurance for your car, why wouldn't you insure what will most likely be the biggest investment you'll ever make? Technically speaking, owner's title insurance is optional. But again, when trying to decide if you should protect the most important purchasae in your life, the option is pretty clear. Most people think of insurance as payment to protect from a future event - like when you buy car insurance to protect you from an accident that may happen in the future. Title insurance is different. It protects your from future losses based on past events before y

Back to School!

Today marks a new month, and for many counties in the state, including Cobb and Cherokee, a new season - the school season!  The first day of school is officially here, and for many students, it may be their first day in an entirely new school.  As many in the real estate industry know, the summer is the best time to move for families, and it has certainly been a busy season. If you have moved with your family, then it's likely your children may be starting a new school. While that can be an exciting transition, it can also be a challenge for some students to leave their old school behind and start with a blank slate at a new school. If you are preparing your children for that transition, we have a few tips to make the school year go off without a hitch and have your kids jumping off the bus with a big smile! Encourage Participation  A great way to quickly get accustomed with a new school is to participate in extra curricular activities. Ma

Post-Closing Practices

We know this busy season of real estate can be hectic, but it's never bad idea to take a moment to look back at some basics.  We recently went back over the closing process, but what happens after the papers are signed and the keys have been exchanged?  The work doesn't stop there, so here's a synopsis of what happens post-closing, including what we handle after you've signed, and what you should do too!  Our job Disbursement - Many checks are often disbursed at the closing table, but any wires and checks not given out at closing will be distributed afterward. The closer will get the file back and review  it to ensure all documents have been properly executed in compliance with the bank's requirements, and checks will be mailed out to the appropriate location and wires will be sent out by the closing attorney.  Deeds and Recording - The warranty deed is signed at closing and shows that a clear title has passed from the seller to the buyer. A securit

Market Check In

We are halfway through 2019. Yes, you read that sentence correctly. It's hard to believe, but this year is really already halfway over! With school getting out and summer starting, it's easy to forget how quickly time has flown by, but it is important to take a moment and check in with how you're doing so far this year. So, we figured we would check in with the real estate market and see how things are going at the halfway point for 2019. Mortgage Rates Raise Questions After decreasing for months, the mortgage rate seemed to pause last week, leading some to believe that they may be leveling out. According to The Washington Post , the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rate was 3.82% last week. The 15-year fixed-rate average slipped to 3.26%, and the 5-year adjustable rate landed at 3.51%, down from 3.52% a week prior. Rates have dropped throughout 2019, and according to Market Watch , have only reason 7 weeks this year. Currently, experts are torn on what will happen

Home-Inspired Gifts for Dad's Day

Father's Day is almost here, and it's time to celebrate all the spectacular dad's who have filled our lives with love and great dad jokes. Not sure what to get your pop's on his special day? Consider a few of these home-inspired recommendations to spruce up his man cave or make him feel even more relaxed in his big easy chair. Tile Key Locator  Is your dad always asking you where his keys, wallet, and phone are? Save his day with the Tile Mate! These handy devices can easily be attached to keys, cameras, wallets, or any other important item. They connect with your phone's GPS to locate the items whenever they've been misplaced. With the tap of a button, a friendly song will start playing to help you find your items. And if your dad has his keys but not his phone, they can help him find his device too!  Amazon Echo Dot  Is your dad in love with the Smart home idea? Or does he just love shouting down the hall to ask you to get something? T

Summer in the City - Atlanta Attraction for this Season

Memorial Day is the un-official start of summer, and even if it isn't technically the summer season - this heat certainly is! If you're looking you're looking to get outside, or just find something for the kids to do this season, we've got you covered. Here are some great Atlanta attractions we recommend visiting! Adventurous  Attractions   If you're looking to get your adrenaline pumping this summer, there's plenty to do in metro Atlanta. Six Flags Whitewater  is a great way to cool off and have fun in the summer heat. Check out over 15 water slides, a giant wave pool, or just lounge around on the lazy river. The park is located conveniently in Marietta and will be open daily from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.  For even bigger thrills and spills, visit  Six Flags Over Georgia . You can soar like a superhero with the Batman and Superman roller coasters, or experience the new Cyclone ride that's now a hybrid coaster of wood and steel. In case of rai

The Probate Process - Managing the Family Estate

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. It's a difficult time in anyone's life, and when you add the process of managing their estate - it can feel like an impossible task. However, the probate process does not have to cause more stress in an already emotional time. Perrie & Associates is a full service law firm that can help families with the process, and we've broken it down in just a few simple steps. First of all, what does probate mean?  Probate is the term for the legal process through which assets are distributed. It essentially means that a Judge gives legal permission for a person's estate to be passed along.   Once the necessary information is gathered to prepare a Petition and the Petition is prepared and   filed, the process takes from 60 to 120 days, depending on how complex the situation is and how many Petitions are already in the Clerk’s office awaiting processing. The Probate Process  Petition f