Say Cheese - The Importance of Professional Photography

We've all been there.

You're shopping on Amazon when something suddenly catches your eye. You click on the new item. Read the description, maybe check out a few reviews, and suddenly - it's in your cart and being shipped to your house.

But what was it that caught your eye?

The price? Probably unlikely. The catchy product name? Perhaps. Most likely? It was the image. And we bet that if there were several pictures of that item you clicked, you looked through each one before you made your purchase.

Images sell. They draw us to a product. They help us put a face with the name of a person we may hire. They grab our attention to look at one advertisement above all the others crowding our screens.

When it comes to real estate, this fact is no different. When listing a home, photos are simply a must. You may think the photos are something you can handle, but you may want to reconsider.

iPhone cameras are constantly improving, but when it comes to selling a home, a quick shot from your device just isn't going to cut it. To really sell your home, it's important to invest in professional photography.

According to PRNewswire, a study done by VHT Studios, one of the nation's largest real estate photography businesses, showed that listing that featured professional photography sold 32% faster than those that didn't.

Not only that, but listing with more photos sell faster too, and according to a 2013 study by Redfin, homes featuring professional photography sold for more money as well.

So how do you tell the difference between what's amateur and what's professional?

For starters, quality equipment is essential. Your iPhone may be convenient, but a DSLR camera provides images that are colorful, crisp, and high quality, and there are also a variety of options with different lens sizes and lighting. This equipment doesn't come cheap, however, and it takes years of experience to learn the ins and outs of all the camera's capabilities.

According to Redfin's national photography manager Drew Larrigan, the equipment doesn't make the photograph. "The number one thing people get wrong with listing photography is having the mindset that anyone can do it and deliver a beautiful photo," he said. "There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work you don't see, capturing layers of [...] images to create one beautiful shot."

These layers Larrigan refers to are added and compiled in the editing stages to capture all the shadows and highlights in the room and create beautiful window views from the listing.

If you're wondering how you can tell the difference, check out these side-by-side comparisons. In the professionally shot images, the whites are whiter, the rooms look larger and more inviting, and the focus points of the home are clear.

Once you decide to hire a professional, there are a few things you can do to prepare the space. Clearing clutter from surfaces, cleaning windows, replacing lights, and removing personal items can all help to make your home stand out in photographs. Check here for other suggestions to make your home's photoshoot run smoothly.

Overall, the decision to hire professional real estate photographers can only improve your listing's chances. And, the investment in photography will return itself when your home sells quicker and for more money than any other home on the block! So tell your home to say cheese, and get it sold!


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