Plenty to Be Thankful For

For many, Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and good food. However, Thanksgiving is also a time of reflection as we take time to recognize all that we have and all that we are thankful for.

Though the holiday season can get busy quickly, the Perrie & Associates staff took time to pause and reflect on what we are thankful for -

Stephanie Chandler

I am thankful for the love and support of my family, and I'm thankful for the gift of another day. I'm also thankful that I am able to still fit into my clothes after the array of food and desserts that were brought into the office this year! :)

Stacie Upchurch 

I am thankful for my faith, for my family, for my husband, my health, for this great country that so many have fought for, for the beautiful home I live in, and most importantly - all of the love that fills it. I am also very grateful for being privileged enough to have spent that last year 8 plus years working at P&A and getting to spend every day doing what I love. My teammates that comprise my work family and the amazing clients we serve make my days so rewarding. Whenever I encounter a struggle or a challenging situation, all I have to do is look around me and I will always find the support I need to navigate the terrain. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sherynda Patrick 

I am thankful to be a mom to such a wonderful daughter, and I am thankful for my work family!

Cheryl Ethridge-Morton 

I'm grateful for family and friends (both two-legged and four-legged) and the love they share!

Emily Selby 

This year I am grateful for new opportunities and the support I have received from my family and friends. I am also thankful for my incredible fiance who inspires me and has shown me more love, encouragement, and support than I could imagine. I'm thankful for those who make me laugh each day and for a bright future ahead!

Stephanie Lee 

I am so very thankful for God's blessings! This has been a troublesome year for my family, yet we are safe and healthy. I am also thankful to continue my career here at Perrie & Associates with the ability to progress and learn new areas of law.

David Perrie 

I am thankful for the wonderful people who work at our firm and that are so passionate about the success we have enjoyed and making sure that our clients know how much we value their support. I am also thankful for my family and to live in this great country!

Jennifer Compton

This year I am especially thankful for the health of my family. I'm thankful that we live close enough that I'll be able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, siblings, and their kids. All 32 of us in one space is . . . a lot - but I wouldn't change it for the world, and I'll be hugging each and every one of them and telling them I love them!

Christine Bersani 

This year I am thankful for my beautiful family, friends, Perrie & Associates, and not having to shovel snow anymore! I am already looking forward to an awesome 2020 and what it has in store! :)

Brett LeFevre 

I'm thankful for my co-workers and the opportunity to spend time with friends and family that I don't see very often throughout the year.

Spencer Knott 

I'm thankful for our firm's revised turkey policy. Gravy can easily be washed out of closing documents, and I still don't think a one-time incident should ruin it for everyone else!

Brad Raymer 

I am thankful for God, family, and freedom in this blessed country. I am also thankful for this wonderful group of people with whom I work.

Linda May 

Every day I open my eyes and thank God for my health, my family, my friends, and my job at Perrie. It gives me purpose and an opportunity to give back to my community as well as to my agent and lender friends. It also gives me the chance to work with some of the finest people in this business that have the skills and caring to go the extra mile to help people and show what they are made of. I am so proud of this firm I could pop! I love you guys!

Gayle Willingham 

I am thankful for my God, health, family and friends. This year has been a hard year with some health issues, and I am thankful that I am healthy again. We sometimes take our health for granted, but if we have our health, we can enjoy life with our family and friends. I am thankful to live in the USA and enjoy the life of the Brave and the Free. God bless each one of you this Thanksgiving Season!

Gabriela Pacheco 

I am thankful for the love and support of my friends this year. Friends are just the family you pick.

Dawn Hinton

I am thankful for the people in my life who encourage me to be a better person.

David Phillips 

I am thankful for my family, my friends, and my health. I hope that 2020 brings on a new year of positive vibes and amazing adventures!

All of us at Perrie & Associates are thankful for your loyalty and business, and we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!


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