(New) Home for the Holidays

We all know the holiday season is busy. Between office parties, school functions, and shopping for friends and family, it seems like there's always something to do. If you're moving during this time of the year . . . well, you're probably debating if this really is the "most wonderful time of the year."

But not to worry! In addition to having a new home for the holidays, there are a few things you can do to add some cheer and have a stress-free winter move!

Give the Gift of Movers (Or at least some help) 

Holidays are not only a busy time, but it's also a costly time of year. However, the experts at Realtor.com say: splurge on a moving company. While it will increase your moving expenses, it can save you the stress of making multiple trips - allowing you more time to focus on holidays festivities. Maybe cut back on gifts for others (or yourself), and give yourself the gift of time and extra help for a stress-free move.
If movers just aren't in the budget, think about having a "holiday helping party" and recruiting a few friends or family members to help. They can consider it their gift to you this year!


Winter isn't peak moving season, which has it's benefits; however, the holiday season is one the busiest travel times of the year. Consider this when planning your move.
According to Moving.com, one of the busiest shopping days (and therefore traffic days) is "Super Saturday," or the Saturday before Christmas. Weekends are also of course going to be traffic-filled as people make their way to the stores, and you can expect lots of travel on the week before Christmas. So, if you can, try to book a weekday move. This can reduce the amount of time it takes for you to move, as well as reduce road rage on top of moving stress.
In addition to booking a weekday move, Realtor.com says don't forget to ask for a holiday discount. Because it's not peak season, moving companies may be feeling the holiday spirit!


Speaking of the holiday spirit, moving is a great time to donate some of your unused or unwanted items. As you are packing, start trying to trim down on you possessions, and create separate boxes or bags for items you can donate. Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, and the Salvation Army can be contacted to come collect your items. Pairing down your belongings will help eliminate a few boxes that you would otherwise have to move, and it's a wonderful thing to do at this time of year!

Family Matters

If you're moving with family and school-aged children, getting used to a new school and environment in the middle of the school year can be difficult. Help them during this time by preparing all of their education documents included transcripts, report cards, immunization records, and test reports. Contact your child's old school to ensure that documents will get transferred to the new school, and what, if anything, you need to bring to your child's new school. Also work with your child to get to know their new school as much as possible before the bell rings in January.
If you're normally the host of the holiday family gathering, consider taking a rain check for this year. Moving on it's own is stressful - let alone trying to move and set up and decorate a new home to be ready for guests. Ask if another family member can host this year, and next year you can show off your new home!

Trim the Tree

It's hard to feel the holiday spirit in an empty new house. But it's also hard to decorate a brand new home while you're also trying to unpack. You don't have to forgo decorations though, just pack accordingly! While you're boxing up your things, pack your holiday decorations last, and move them in first. Be sure they are labeled, and you can take them directly into the living room to give your new house that holiday feel. If you're someone who goes all-out with holiday decorations, maybe consider scaling it back a bit this year and just use some of your favorites.

Moving during the holidays can be daunting, but it will also be worth it. You will be celebrating a magical time of year in a new home, and you'll have a fabulous fresh start for the new year! 


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