Self Spring Cleaning

When you think of spring cleaning, your mind probably jumps to dusting, vacuuming, and getting rid of clutter. But why can't it mean spending some time on yourself?

Spring is a season for renewal and rejuvenation, and there's no reason it can't be a season of renewal for you! Use this time as an opportunity to check in with yourself, set new goals, and make new habits that will help you through spring and all the way through the summer months!

Need a bit of inspiration? We've got a few tips to get you started.

Clear Your Schedule 

While it's often hard to find a break in your busy schedule, try to set aside some time during this period to spend time on yourself. Whether it's an entire day, or just a few hours, schedule a break to relax and focus on what you want. Give yourself an opportunity to enjoy your hobbies - read a book, take a relaxing bath, work out, or binge that Netflix show that's been sitting in your watchlist.

Feeling stuck? Get outside! After all, it is spring time, and the weather and new blooms can be inspiring. Take a walk around your neighborhood, or just enjoy a drink on the back porch. Whatever you do, allow yourself to forget about work for a moment and just spend time rebuilding and rejuvenating yourself.

Spice Up Your Diet 

It's easy for your diet to get stuck in the same rut. You probably rotating through about 15 to 20 different recipes, and if you're always on the go, you may not even have much time to cook. Try to change that this season, and spice up your diet with some spring cuisine!

Just a few quick changes to your regular routine here and there can help you feel inspired and excited. There's plenty of options out there - check out some of these spring recipes form the Food Network.

Unplug and Unwind 

Spring blooms are hard to enjoy if you're constantly looking at your phone. This spring, make it a priority to unplug from technology. Of course it's not necessarily possible to unplug completely every day, but even if you switch your news feed with a book for a few minutes, that can make all the difference!

Think about setting a time limit on your phone that will shut off certain apps or limit the amount of time you spend on them. On some phones, including iPhones, this can be done from the "Screen Time" option in your settings. If your phone doesn't have that option, set a timer at a certain point in the day to put your phone down, and try to set your phone face down so you aren't distracted by notifications. Taking your eyes away from the blue light of your technology and toward the sunlight outside can be a great help to not only your physical health, but your mental and emotional health as well!

De-clutter and Cleanse 

So this one is a little more along the lines of traditional spring cleaning, but take time this season to get rid of things that you don't need. By simplifying your life, you can feel more relaxed and focus for the rest of the year. If you're not sure where to start, check out the KonMari method by Marie Kondo. (This is the one that all of your friends are talking about after watching "Tidying Up" on Netflix - and why their perfectly-folded shirt drawers keep popping up on your Instagram). The Japanese method focuses on organizing four parts of your life - clothes, books, papers and komono (miscellaneous). It also incorporates gratitude and reflection that helps you be more mindful and thoughtful as you move forward.

In addition to de-cluttering physical items, don't forget to declutter your phone! Unsubscribe to all those emails that you aren't reading and delete any apps that are distracting or in your way on your screen.

Set New Goals 

Finally, consider the spring time as a time to re-align or set new goals. If you made new year's resolutions, check in on those now and evaluate your progress. Are you making good strides to push yourself even further, or do you need to readjust your goals? Remember, this doesn't mean that you should have already met your objectives - it's only been 4 months! Be kind to yourself and just use this season as a time to check in and reevaluate and adjust.

If you didn't make resolutions, that's okay! Now that you've gotten started with the year, you may see more clearly where you are going and where you want to be. Take this time to put pen and paper to those ideas and set new goals. Just be intentional about your ambitions and make plans to make them happen!

As the weather warms up and new life starts to grow, take a cue from nature and allow a revival within yourself. If you're looking to spice up your life, find new inspiration, or set new goals - now is the time. For some more ideas on how you can spring clean your life, check out this list from A Kind Journey. Whatever you do, enjoy yourself and relish in this energizing new season!


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