Spring Home Maintenance


Spring is in the air! We're already seeing warmer temps this week, and it may inspire you to get outside and enjoy the nice weather! It may also inspire a bit of spring cleaning, and we're not just talking about finally washing that pile that's been building in your laundry room! 

As the season transitions into warmer weather, it's a great time to check on a few important fixtures of your home. While these aren't always the most fun or even immediately noticed changes, your house will certainly thank you for running through this quick checklist! 

Air Filters 

Before you turn on your AC, we recommend changing out your air filters. Typically, these should be changed every 90 days. It's a quick and easy fix that ends up cleaning every room in the house! 
Not sure how to replace them? First, locate your air filters and determine their size. Replaceable filters are usually surrounded by a cardboard frame, while reusable filters are typically surrounded by plastic. These frames should include the dimensions, but if not, use a tape measure to determine the width and height of your air filter.
Next, hit up your local hardware store and grab some filters! Remember, if you have more than one unit, you will need to change both. We recommend grabbing a few spares as well, that way, it'll be easy to change the next time! Just be sure to store them away from the furnace.  
Finally, insert them correctly into the furnace. Most filters will have printed arrows that are inserted in the same direction of the airflow. It's important to install them correctly, otherwise you will make your HVAC unit work harder, so be sure to read directions carefully. 
If you'd like some step-by-step instructions, check out this helpful tutorial from the Home Depot

Gut the Gutters 

It probably comes as no surprise, but now is a great time to clean your gutters. April showers bring May flowers - but you definitely don't want those flowers growing in your gutters. However, though we know you've been told to clean your gutters, don't worry if you're not sure where to start. We're here to help! 
First, start by collecting the necessary tools including a safe and sturdy ladder, a few buckets to collect debris, gloves, and a garden hose. 
Start by cleaning your gutters near the downspout, and work your way back to the closed end of the gutter. The Home Depot recommends cleaning your gutters on a dry day. Trying to clean them after a fresh rain when the debris is wet will make it more difficult. Keep one bucket connected to your ladder, and dump the large clumps of sticks and leaves into the bucket. You may need a small trowel if you have some debris or dirt that is stuck inside the gutter. 
After cleaning the large debris, flush the remaining pieces with a drain hose. Once it's all cleared, flush water through the gutters again to ensure the water is flowing properly and isn't leaking. If you find any leaks, seal these with gutter sealant, and if there are any major damages to your gutters, consider replacing them. 

Wrap the Windows 

In the spring especially, it's nice to forget the AC and simply open up the windows and let the outdoors in. However, if you haven't check your window screens, you may be letting some unwanted pests in as well. 
Now is a great time to check your window screens for any holes or tears. According to the Home Depot, if your window screen is looking shiny, rather than dark and matte, that's a sign that it's time to be replaced. 
Thankfully, this task isn't too difficult, and can be done in just a couple of hours! If you find a hole or tear in the screen, remove the frame from the window and remove the damaged screen with a flathead screwdriver, being sure to remove the nails or screws securing the screen in place. Next, you can roll new screen over the window frame, cut to the right size, and secure with staples or a spline roller depending on your frame. 
Check out step-by-step instructions here

Of course, there are plenty of other opportunities for some spring maintenance in your home. Take advantage of this nice weather to get out and inspect your home so you're ready to enjoy the indoors and the outdoors with peace of mind this summer! 


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