Back with a Bang - Celebrating the Fourth in Atlanta


The Fourth of July is back with a bang! Last year, celebrations were cut back due to COVID-19, but now we are able to come together more safely to celebrate our country' independence! 

So it's time to break out the barbecues, pool floaties, and corn hole games, grab some friends, and celebrate! Don't forget though that there's plenty of events just outside of your backyard all across the metro Atlanta area!

Wondering what to do on this 245th Independence Day? We've got you covered from big events in the city to local firework shows in your county! Check it out - 

Peachtree Road Race

The AJC Peachtree Road Race is an Atlanta tradition, and this year - it's back for it's 52nd race around Atlanta! This year, the race will take place on TWO days for extra safety, and extra fun! The road race starts at approximately 6:30 each morning, and you can line the streets to support these red, white, and blue runners. This event is a special favorite of our own Mr. David Perrie, who has participated in many Peachtree Road Races throughout the years! Find more information about start times and the course map here

Braves vs. Marlins 

Sticking with the sports theme, head down to Truist Park to watch the Braves play the Marlins Thursday through Sunday. Friday will feature Friday night Fireworks, and Sunday's game will feature a U.S. Air Force flyover and special Independence Day fireworks! You can find more information and tickets here

Festivals and Fireworks 

If you're looking for some more relaxed fun, there are plenty of festivals and firework shows around the metro. 

On Saturday, July 3, Marietta will host their annual Fourth in the Park festival from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The celebrations will start with a parade with marching bands, beauty queens, and local businesses and organizations. Arts and crafts, food trucks, and live music will be available in the square until dark, when the evening will conclude in a fireworks show! 

Not too far away in Kennesaw, the Salute to America celebration will have two stages of live music, street activities, and food vendors on July 3. A children's parade will march through downtown at 3 p.m., and the evening will conclude with great local music and spectacular fireworks! 

In Powder Springs, the Fourth celebrations are kicking up a notch with a first-time carnival that will run from July 1-4. The carnival will have rides like a Ferris Wheel, Pirate Ship, and Merry-Go-Round, along with plenty of carnival games and concessions. On Sunday, July 4, the city will continue the party with their annual SpringsFest event! Bouncy houses, face painting, and game trucks will all be available, and the night will end with a fireworks show. 

If you're looking for Independence Day celebrations closer to you, check out this comprehensive list of firework shows and events all across the metro!

However you choose to celebrate the Fourth of July this year, we hope you have a safe, joyful, and patriotic weekend!


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