Thankful and Grateful


    2021 has gone by in a blink, and it's hard to believe we're approaching the holiday season. This year has had its ups and downs, but we look forward to the future and all that is holds. 

    Each year the Perrie & Associates staff shares what we are thankful for this holiday season. We are truly a family here at Perrie & Associates, and we want to share that feeling with all of you. Below are some of the many things we are thankful for: 

Brett Lefevre, Disburser 

I'm thankful for good friends and family, and that two of my nieces are soon marrying the loves of their lives. 

Emily Kobito, Social Media Manager 

This year, I am thankful for the many people in my life who make me smile and support me: my family, husband, friends, students, and co-workers (and also my two cats who I consider my children). I am thankful for the opportunities I've had to travel and be with loved ones, and I am thankful for the support I receive from my P&A family every year. Finally, I'm thankful for the World Series Champion Braves and the No. 1 Georgia Bulldogs! 

Ree Simpson, Closing Coordinator 

I am thankful for my awesome family, friends, and work family I have in my life!

Rachel Moss, Closer 

This year, I am thankful for the opportunity to Join Perrie and Associates, LLC, where I truly feel like I'm part of the family here. And, always and forever, I am thankful for my three kids who make my whole world turn. Life is good!

Tracy Arthur, Disburser and Paralegal 

I am SO extremely thankful for my family - especially my mom who has been there for me through some really tough years. 

Jennifer Compton, Real Estate Manager

This year I’m thankful for the health of my family. I’m thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to spend extra time making memories with my kids and that stems from a boss who puts importance on work-life balance. I’m blessed to be surrounded by amazing people daily at my job who lift me up and support me. In a time when it’s often hard to see the light I know how lucky I am to be surrounded by so much joy and love. Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Stephanie Lee, Paralegal

I am thankful for: my faith, my God, my dearest friends, and my amazing job! Without these, I would crumble, and I am so very blessed!

Chris Copeland, Disburser

This year, I'm extremely thankful for my job and the opportunities that it has afforded myself and my family as well as the newest addition our family, Isabel Copeland, who is four months old. I now have two beautiful little girls and a beautiful wife - life is good!

Stacy Hagan, Title Curative Paralegal 

The biggest thing I am grateful for is that two of my brothers both survived COVID this year - one of them was hospitalized and it was very scary for us all. I am also grateful for my new job working here at P&A. I started in March, and I love it! 

Stacie Upchurch, Office Manager

I'm thankful for the supportive and caring group of people I work with every day, and for my job that allows me to flourish. I'm thankful for my husband, my family (my dog included) and my health. Finally, I am thankful that I have so much joy and abundance in my life! 

Ashley Duffey, Coordinator 

I am thankful for my new P&A family. I have been blessed with such an incredible opportunity getting to work here. I truly love it! I also am thankful for my family - without them I don't know where I would be. 

To all of our loyal clients, friends, and family,  we are so thankful for you. We hope that you may enjoy a peaceful, safe, and joyous Thansgiving! 


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