DIY Client Gifts

It's the season of giving, and for your clients, you want to give them the best!

But with so many sales, it can be pricey to be giving all season long, so we've come up with a few, low-budget, do-it-yourself gifts for your clients! Plus, who doesn't love a handmade gift?

Mason Jar Recipes 

The holidays are the time for baking, and with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, your clients are sure to be putting their new oven to good use. Give them a tasty treat to make in their new home with chocolate chip cookie mix in a mason jar!
You can follow the recipe here, and you'll need all of the basic cookie ingredients including flour, white and brown sugar, salt, baking soda, and of course, chocolate chips. Mix all the dry ingredients together, and then layer the brown sugar, dry mix, and chocolate chips in the mason jar. All your clients will need to add is the butter, vanilla, and eggs!
There are also a multitude of variations on this idea, including hot cocoa mix, pancake mason jars, and even muffins!

Bird Feeders

For your clients excited about their new backyard or porch, a bird feeder is a great way to spruce up their outdoor space and let them meet some new feather friends in the neighborhood!
There are a number of ways to make a bird buffet, but one of the easiest is a pine cone feeder that you can find right in your own backyard.
All you will need is a pine cone, some peanut butter, and bird seed to draw a flock. Tie a piece of ribbon or string around the top or bottom of the pine cone, then coat it in melted peanut butter. Roll it in bird seed, let it dry, and soon your clients' home will be for the birds!


Plants are a great way to bring life into the home and a bit of greenery and comfort. A small terrarium or potted plant is an easy, quick, and cute gift, and you can include any of your clients' favorite plants!
Almost any container will work, including mason jars, buckets, or even paper bags! Start by adding a few pebbles at the bottom, some soil, and then your plant. If you are using glass and are unable to drill or poke holes in the bottom of the container, a succulent is a great choice, as they require little water and are very easy to keep alive.
If your client is raving over their new kitchen, we love this idea of planting herbs in a paper bag! All you will need is a plastic sandwich bag, a brown lunch bag, soil and an herb. Tie it up with a ribbon or bow, and your client will have their very own spice right in the windowsill of their new kitchen!


The cold weather is on it's way, and there's no better present for a new homeowner than a brand new throw to go in their living room!
No crocheting or knitting needed for this one! All you will need is two pieces of fleece material of the same size, some scissors, and a bit of time. Line up the blankets on top of one another and cut 2-3 inch strips toward the inside of the blanket all the way around on all sides. Then, tie both strips of the different fabric together twice, until all the pieces are tied.
This is an easy and nice gift that you can personalize with special colors or fabric that you know your clients will love, and they will have something to snuggle up in this winter in their new home!

Emergency Kit 

Though not exactly a DIY gift, you can put together a small emergency kit for your clients that they will be sure to use! Any new homeowner or anyone moving will be in need of some necessary itmes, including a hammer, nails, screwdriver, and maybe a few band-aids, just in case their renovation hits a bump or two!
Extra batteries are also a great addition, as well as a measuring tape, duct tape, and maybe some movers to help them figure out the feng shui of their new space! Anything you can think of that you needed when you were moving, they will be grateful for - and a bottle of wine may not be a bad idea either!

Personalize it! 

With all of these gifts, you can go the extra mile with a bit of personalization. Whether you incorporate your clients' favorite colors or sports team, or include a hand written note of thanks, your appreciation will shine through with these do-it-yourself gifts!


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