Feeling Thankful

For many, Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and good food. However, Thanksgiving is also a time of reflection as we take time to recognize all that we have and all that we are thankful for.

Though the holiday season can get busy quickly, the Perrie & Associates staff took time to pause and reflect on what we are thankful for -

Stephanie Chandler, Pre-Closer 

"I am thankful God wakes me up every day to find joy in the smallest of things. I'm also thankful for my husband of 23 years and the loving, beautiful family we have raised."

Gayle Willingham, Office Manager 

"I am very thankful for my children and grandchildren as they bring such happiness to my life! I enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday so much as we gather together and give God thanks for all he has given us over the past year. I am thankful for the privilege to live in America, the home of the brace and the free. We are so blessed to live in this country and have the opportunities to thrive. Last, I am thankful to work for such a great company that supplies us with a wonderful work environment!"

Jenna Caprington, Pre-Closer 

"I'm thankful for my ever-growing family, a job I enjoy, awesome coworkers (shout-out to Tammy Brett, and Helena) and all our great attorneys. I am also thankful for seasons that change, a warm, soft bed, cuddly puppies, good friends, and a great cup of coffee. Most of all, I'm thankful to God for Jesus and all my blessings!"

Miki Foster, Closer

"There is so much to be thankful for in my life. I am especially thankful for gaining a brand new family at Perrie & Associates (I couldn't be any happier!) and a brand new family at home with my fiance and his two beautiful daughters along with my two beautiful daughters. Thank you all for being so welcoming!"

Brandi Woody, Pre-Closer 

"I am so very thankful for my husband and my two wonderful children. I am also thankful and grateful to work for such a great company here at Perrie & Associates LLC. When work people feel like family it make it so much better!"

Kelsie Bates, Closing Coordinator 

"I am thankful to Perrie & Associates for allowing me to go to school and still allowing me to have benefits (and to my Aunt who got me this wonderful job!). I am thankful for the most supportive fiance in the world and the journeys we are about to embark on together. I am thankful for all of the wonderful memories I have with family and friends. I am thankful that I have so many people who love and support me and all that I do and dream to achieve. I am thankful for this gift of life and for all of the moments leading up to today and all that are to come."

Spencer Knott, Closing Attorney 

"I'm thankful to be back among friends and family in Georgia and for a job that allows me to do that!"

Emily Selby, Director of First Impressions

"This year I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to pursue a new path and for all my friends, family and coworkers who have supported and encouraged me. I am also thankful to my wonderful new fiance and all the love and support he shows me daily. Finally, I am thankful for the opportunity that his band, the Woodland High School Marching Band in Cartersville, has to march in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and for my chance to document their accomplishment as they represent the state of Georgia in this iconic Thanksgiving tradition! Be sure to look for them on TV this Thanksgiving Day!"

Chris Copeland, Disburser 

"I am thankful for my family, at home and at work!"

Stephanie Lee, Closer

"I am so very blessed and have a ton to be thankful for! I am thankful for our freedom and to all of the people past and present who continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I am thankful for God's word that always reminds me of how lucky I am to have family and friends that I can depend on at all times. I am also so thankful to have been able to continue my career with David Perrie for over 10 years now!"

Linda May, Closing Attorney

"I am grateful for my family and my friends, including my work friends, my networking friends, my church friends and my client friends. I am grateful for my country, for the sacrifices those people who have gone before me have made so that I have had the opportunities that I have had. I am grateful that each day is a new beginning and that I Jesus to guide me!

Stacie Upchurch, Operations Manager

"As another year comes to a close, I am always happy to reflect on the countless blessings and the many things that make me so thankful. My husband, my family (including my P&A work family), and being fortunate enough to come to work every day and truly love what I do all top my list without fail! I think back to a time when everything I had was stripped away and smile when I think of how full my life and my heart are now and how much fun the journey has been. So much of what I have become and what I care about most surrounds where I spend every work day and for that, I am very fortunate! Happy Thanksgiving!"

David Perrie, Owner

"I am thankful that 25 years ago I decided to back to night law school at age 38 such that I didn't get to the end of my career and didn't complete my dreams and goals. It was a tough four years going to work all day and law school all night, but it has given me the greatest sense of accomplishment. I so encourage everyone to chase your dreams.
I am thankful for the incredibly talented and motivated people we have been able to attract and maintain at Perrie & Associates, LLC. I am thankful for our clients who give us meaningful work that supports us and helps people achieve the American Dream of home ownership! I am also thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for my health and sense of humor, and to God who makes all things possible."

We at Perrie & Associates are also thankful for you, our wonderful clients! We are so grateful for your business and loyalty. Without you, we could not do what we love.
From our family to yours, have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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