
Showing posts from 2018

New Year, New Market

The new year is upon us and with it, we can always expect changes from our resolutions to the real estate market. So what can Realtors expect in the new year? We've rounded up the highlights of the 2019 real estate predictions - Mortgage Rates will Rise  Mortgage rates will likely cause an issue for affordability in 2019. Although rates have been rising throughout the past two years, mortgage rates still remain lower than they were during the recession. According to Aaron Terrazas, director of economic research with Zillow , interest rates "will change in 2019, as the 30-year, fixed rate mortgage reaches 5.8 percent - territory not seen since the dark days of 2008, when rates were racing downward in response to the housing crisis. In 2019, rising rates will compound the effect of still-climbing home values, making homeownership even less affordable." Millennials will Keep Buying  Despite these rising mortgage rates, millennials will still be the largest ge

Winter Wonderland - Christmas in Atlanta

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In Atlanta ... there's no snow glistenin'.. But! There's plenty to do in and around Atlanta to celebrate the holidays! From Christmas lights to popup bars, and a new, Insta-worthy interactive museum, Atlanta has plenty to offer to spread some Christmas cheer! Looking to get festive this season? We've rounded up some of the main attractions and high- lights : Light the Night  Atlanta may not be the City of Lights, but for the holidays, there's plenty of extra lights on display. At Atlantic Station , you can enjoy 250,000 lights by walking around the eight blocks of the complex. In the center of it all is a 50 foot Christmas tree, and starting at 6 p.m. each night, there's a snowfall right there in Atlanta! In addition to the lights and snow, there is also an ice skating rink, a German Christmas market, and Santa may be stopping by as well. Of course, the Atlanta Botanical Gardens boast an impressive light displa

Feeling Thankful

For many, Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and good food. However, Thanksgiving is also a time of reflection as we take time to recognize all that we have and all that we are thankful for. Though the holiday season can get busy quickly, the Perrie & Associates staff took time to pause and reflect on what we are thankful for - Stephanie Chandler, Pre-Closer  "I am thankful God wakes me up every day to find joy in the smallest of things. I'm also thankful for my husband of 23 years and the loving, beautiful family we have raised." Gayle Willingham, Office Manager  "I am very thankful for my children and grandchildren as they bring such happiness to my life! I enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday so much as we gather together and give God thanks for all he has given us over the past year. I am thankful for the privilege to live in America, the home of the brace and the free. We are so blessed to live in this country and have the opportunities t

Meet the P&A Team - Spencer Knott

We would like to introduce our newest member of the Perrie & Associates family, Spencer Knott! Spencer is a realtor turned closing attorney who is returning home after working in Colorado. He has been with our office for over 6 weeks and has seamlessly established himself with the company both in the closing and marketing departments. We are happy to have him as addition to our team! . . .   Name: Spencer Knott Role: Closing Attorney Fun Facts:  Loves Braves baseball Saw the first homerun in Fulton County Stadium hit by Ron Gant Attended Chipper Jones' and Bobby Cox's last game Used to be a bartender, and can make a mean martini  Served Bobby Cox and Don Sutton as a bartender  Wife, Kedi is Tswana South African Killed a cow for his wedding in the Tswana tradition Spencer grew up in Kennesaw where he attended Harrison High School. He later went to Kennesaw State University where he received his Bachelor's in International Affairs. He attended

Halloween Haunts - Creating Your Neighborhood Haunted House

The spookiest night of the year is upon us! Time to dress up in your boo best, watch some scary movies, and - oh no, you forgot - pass out candy! Is your home not ready for the little ghouls and goblins coming to knock on your door tomorrow night? Don't want to be the boring house on the block that turns off their light to ward off trick-or-treaters? Never fear! We've got a few quick DIY tips for you to make your house haunted for Hallow's Eve! Light the Night  Nothing sets the tone for being spooked like some eerie lighting. If you have spotlights in your home, run to the hardware store or craft store to pick up different colored bulbs. A green, orange, or purple light on your home can set the tone, and is a quick and easy way to say you're ready for the night. If you're not feeling bright colors, swap out your bulbs for black-lights for a frightening look at your front door. For safety for your trick-or-treaters, be sure to have enough light at your fro

Explore Your Neighborhood: Fall Edition

With the first day of fall last Saturday, the new season is officially here. Crisp weather is on it's way, and it's time to get out and enjoy all the autumn has to offer! If you're looking for some ways to enjoy the new season, we have a few ideas to help you out! Touchdown Football season is finally here, and in the heart of SEC country and the home of the Atlanta Falcons, football fans are rejoicing. Now is a great time to head over to the College Football Hall of Fame. The hall boasts memorabilia from all of your college football favorites, and the Chick-Fil-A fan experience gives you the chance to train like your favorite players! After you've enjoyed some college football history, you can head over to the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium to watch the Atlanta Falcons play. The new stadium has great food, an awesome atmosphere, and a new retractable roof that is officially open for business. Check out the Falcon's schedule here . If you aren't able to s

Fall Fix-Ups

While it may not seem like fall in Georgia just yet with this heat, a new season is on it's way. Before we know it the leaves will be on the ground, and (hopefully) we'll be waking up to cool crisp mornings. With the season change, many other things are adjusting along with the weather. For one, pumpkin spice everything is already hitting the shelves, and you're likely getting ready to freshen up your closet and bring out those jeans and long-sleeves. But what around your home needs changing? Despite the current Georgia heat, fall is a great time for fixing up a few things around your home. As the weather gets cooler, it's easier to get outside and not only enjoy the new temperatures, but actually enjoy the time you spend making adjustments to your home's exterior. The season is also a great time to get ready for winter because you don't want to be left out in the cold trying to fix your heater when it's only 32 degrees. Here are a few fall fixes w

FMLS Showcase 2018

We're only one day away from one of the biggest real estate events of the year - the 2018 FMLS Trade Show! The  Southeast Residential Real Estate Trade Show  is tomorrow, August 23 from 9:30 to 4:30 at the Cobb Galleria, and we here at Perrie & Associates could not be more excited at this event! The event brings together realtors, real estate professionals, and other affiliated industries for a day of networking and learning. More than 3,000 industry professionals are expected to attend this year's event and over 140 industry vendors will be represented at the show. National and regional speakers will be in attendance to discuss timely issues facing the industry, making this a great opportunity for those working in real estate. For this year's 18th annual show, technology use in the industry will be a primary focus. More than 15 presenters will hit the stage covering various topics ranging from market stat apps to home staging, and with three theaters run

iBuyer Beware - The Costs of Selling to Startups

With all the technology that's out there now, it seems like some jobs are becoming obsolete. Machines have replaced assembly line workers, and even self-checkout machines are taking over grocery stores. But will there be a technology to replace the Realtor? Some services on the market now that claim to do so, letting sellers "skip" the negotiation process and the work with a real estate agent. These iBuyers, such as Knock, OpenDoor, and OfferPad aim to sell your home quickly and conveniently, often allowing homeowners to close on their home in a matter of days. But does speed and convenience beat out the quality of a trained Realtor? Many industry experts say no. Most of the iBuyers operate in a similar fashion. A seller contacts the company about selling their home, and the investors use what's called an automated valuation model to determine an approximate value of the home. According to MetroBrokers , this model uses tax records and comps to determine the

Mid-Year Contract Changes

Beginning August 1, new changes to the GAR Purchase and Sale Agreement will go into effect. Changes are as follows:  On the Purchase and Sale Agreement (F20), changes were made to modify language on section B7 regarding the disbursement of earnest money reflecting changes stating that the disbursement of an earnest money check constitutes liquidated damages in the even that the transaction fails to close due to default by the Buyer. This means the Seller waives any right to assert a claim for a specific performance. Language referencing the Seller's rejection of the disbursement of the earnest money check has also been removed, and the Rights of Buyer or Seller have been broken into two sections titled "Remedies of Seller" and "Remedies of Buyer". These same changes were made to the Purchase and Sale Agreement forms for purchases on New Construction (F23), Lots (F27), Land (F34), and Leased Properties (F36). In the event that a transaction falls thr

Back To School

It's hard to believe, but the time for backpack shopping and catching the bus is upon us. That's right - schools all over the state of Georgia are about to start. Many schools have their first day sometime during the first week in August, but some counties, including Cobb and Cherokee, start as early as August 1. Be prepared as school buses start hitting the road and be sure to watch out for students early in the morning in your neighborhood. As many in the real estate industry know, the summer is the best time to move for families, and it has certainly been a busy season. If you have moved with your family, then it's likely your children may be starting a new school. While that can be an exciting transition, it can also be a challenge for some students to leave their old school behind and start with a blank slate at a new school. If you are preparing your students for that transition, we have a few tips to make the first day of school go off with out a hitch and

The Art of Networking

In the real estate industry, it's all about networking. No matter where you go, there is someone to meet and connect with. One connection can lead to another, which could lead to a sale or future partner, and it just continues to trickle down from there. The more you network, the more you have the chance to receive referrals that can grow your business, which builds your name to be top-of-mind. However, networking can be a daunting task. Whether you're in a room full of people or just at a small gathering, the pressure of feeling like you have to make lasting connections and sell your business can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. Check out some of our easy tips to master the art of networking: Be Yourself  It sounds cliche and maybe a bit over stated, but one of the most important tips when making new connections is to be yourself. Don't feel like you have to be the most flashy or most knowledgeable in the room. Be confident in who you are, what yo

A Family Fun Summer

June is almost over, signifying the unofficial halfway point of summer, and if you have kids at home, you're probably starting to hear every parent's summer nightmare - "Mom, dad, I'm bored!" Any suggestion is met with a 'no' or a 'but I've already done that!', and the option for going to the pool has probably been exhausted. If you're facing this battle at this time during summer vacation, or if you're just looking to shake things up, never fear! We've rounded up some of the best summer activities and attractions in Atlanta for kids. Marvelous Museums  If you have a young scientist to entertain, there are several great science museums around the metro area. Fernbank Museum of Natural History features dinosaurs, rocks, and fossils, not to mention an IMAX theater. Their WildWoods exhibit features fun walkways through the forest near the museum as well as a nature inspired playground. Inside, the NatureQuest area has cli

Going Green in your Home

We all know going green is good for the environment, and it's important to help conserve resources to help out planet Earth. You've heard of reduce, reuse, recycle, and you know you should use paper instead of plastic, and turn the water off while you're brushing your teeth. But what can your home be doing to be more green? If you have the capability to install solar panels on your roof and live "off-the-grid," that's great, but it's probably not an option for everyone. However, there are still a few small changes you can make to ensure that your house is the most environmentally friendly it can be. Quick Fixes To start saving on your energy bill, consider switching your light bulbs to be more energy efficient. There are a wide variety of energy saving bulbs available, but you should concentrate on finding bulbs that are either LED, halogen incandescent, or compact fluorescent lamps. These bulbs save between 20 to 80 percent more energy and last

Super Smart Home

You know about Amazon Echo, the Roomba, and you may have even heard of the Nest - but did you know there's a robot to mow your lawn and a way to measure the amount of energy you use in your home? There's seemingly endless opportunities today to make your house a smart home, and there's technology available for practically every room in the house. In fact, Amazon recently announced their plans to create an entire smart community  in Cumming with homes that allow owners to be completely hands-free and live more conveniently. Using smart-home products allows homeowners to not only use their utilities more easily and comfortably, but they can also be major money savers. Most smart technology aims at being more efficient at managing a home's utilities, optimizing their use. Home automation can also improve the safety of a home with improved video surveillance, As these smart-home products become more commonplace, their costs have come down to be more convenient an

Mini Movers - How to Help Your Child Prepare for a Move

As the start of summer and the end of school looms near, many families are preparing to pack up and move to a new home. While parents may be excited about the new possibilities a new house offers, some children may be feeling sad to leave their friends and comforts of home behind. It's important for parents to prepare their children for a change, and even real estate agents can help play a part in getting kids ready for the transition. One of the most important things to remember when moving with kids is to communicate. Involving them in the process and keeping them updated will help them to better understand what is happening. Young children may not understand the reasons for moving such as a new job or a larger home; it's easy for them to focus on what all they will no longer have. Instead, show them what all the new home has to offer, whether that be a bigger bedroom, a fun basement, a pool, or a big backyard. If you can, try to take them to the new home before they

Containing the Clutter

The busy season of real estate season is here and it's only going to get busier as the summer rolls in. Before everything gets too hectic, now is a great time to sit down and get yourself organized as we head into the summer months.  Whether it's perfecting your filing system, updating your calendars, or changing your regular routine, even small adjustments to your organization can mean big differences to your productivity.  We've organized a few tips  for you on where you can save time and contain the clutter -  Filing System From listings to contracts to termite letters and everything in between, real estate agents have a lot of paperwork to keep up with, so a filing system is key.  There are a number of ways to approach your filing, but there are a few main categories you should keep in mind including buyers, sellers, legal documents and administrative processes.  Depending on your preference, you can sort listings by neighborhood or by client. You can als

Keep Learning in Real Estate

If you've been in the real estate industry long, you know there's always something changing. Whether it's a new law, a changing market, or just changing styles, it's always important to be informed and keep track of what's up-and-coming. If you're wondering where to look first, we've rounded up a few resources for you to check out so you can stay in the know. Organizations There are numerous real estate organizations out there to keep you connected and informed. The Georgia Association of Realtors   provides educational classes both in the classroom and on-line, and their website offers various articles and research including statewide housing statistics published every month. Check out their schedule of classes here  and you can also sign up for the Georgia Realtor magazine published seasonally. Local county organization are also a great way to continue learning and be in-the-know. The Cobb Association of Realtors  provides continuing education