Alternate Resolutions

The new year is approaching and it's time to look ahead and start planning for 2018. Undoubtedly, after you get asked what your plans are for New Year's Eve, you'll probably get that dreaded follow up question: so what's your New Year's Resolution? Of course, there's a number of typical responses for such a question - "lose weight. Get fit. Be better with finances." But how easy are those to keep? It seems that many people let go of their resolutions after a month or two. None of those classic goals are wrong by any means, but if you're looking for a more unique and maybe more "exciting" resolution for 2018, we've got a few ideas for you. Unplug In these days of social media and constant connection, it's easy to get wrapped up in what everyone else is doing and lose a sense of what's happening in your own world. If you find yourself Instagramming every meal or constantly checking up on other friends to see if they a...